Sounds and Stories of Monti Ernici:
A Musical Journey on the Doorstep of Rome

Thursday, March 13th, 2025 - 6:30pm

An evening dedicated to a journey through time from folk music to the new music in the Lazio region.

Presented by Giuseppina Colicci, PhD.

In collaboration with
Museo Italo Americano
Fort Mason, Building C - 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123

The project called OurFolksongs, by the Gottifredo Association, the core of  her book Suoni e storie ai piedi dei monti Ernici, Radici espressive e nuove prospettive (Squilibri Publisher), will take you to a fascinating evening where you will be listening to field recordings of traditional music from Lazio, “new creations” performed by the group  I Trillanti and “new compositions” by composers from the Conservatorio of Frosinone, performed by Koch wind quintet.


Giuseppina Colicci, Ph.D. in ethnomusicology at UCLA, born and raised in Italy, studied at University Sapienza in Roma with Prof. Diego Carpitella, the founder of Italian ethnomusicology. She has conducted research in Lazio, Sicily, Campania and in communities of Italian emigrants in the USA, dealing with the relationship between music and work and traditional music and religiosity.

She taught ethnomusicology at the Universities of Palermo and Enna. She has published with Serena Facci Rosa di Maggio. Le registrazioni di Luigi Colacicchi e Giorgio Nataletti in Ciociaria (Squilibri, 2018) and  with Olga Laudonia La Processione Bianca. Sorrento risuona il Venerdì Santo (Nota, 2023). She has written for  Enciclopedia Treccani, for  Italian Society of Musicology and for anthropology and ethnomusicology journal such as Voci and Etnografie Sonore. She is currently teaching ethnomusicology at the Conservatory of Music in L’Aquila.

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